Saturday, November 29, 2014

We love Shapes!!!

Did you know that there are lots of different shapes everywhere!
We have been learning so much about shapes that we might turn into one.

On Friday we had some fun.  We used marshmellows and toothpicks to make different shapes.  Some of us even made 3D shapes.

Look at us carefully creating our shapes

WOW! look at the pyramid and cube.

This is a star.

What clever work we have here.  I really love the star!

Great work at this table!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Shapes, Shapes, Shapes!

We have been learning about different shapes.  We folded paper all different ways to make different shapes then we thought it would be fun to use our bodies to make different shapes.  Check us out.

Here we are making a Triangle!

Look Ethan found a triangle.  Good spotting.

Wow I love your diamond shape!

Ohhh very clever a square!

Who would have thought you could make a heart with your hands?

You made a diamond shape Sahil!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Junior Athletics

Hi Parents/Family,

Due to the bad weather last week the Junior sports afternoon has been postponed until this Friday 21st November at 1.20pm.  Come along an watch us.

Fingers and toes crossed it doesn't rain.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Buddy Class

We were very lucky today our Buddy Class room 25 invited us over to show us their maths games that they made.  We loved it and the year 6 children were so kind and caring to us.

Wow we are clever playing this game!

How cute a big brother and a little brother playing together.

This game was a tricky one!

These Year 6 boys were super kind to us!

This was a fun game!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Extra, extra read all about it...

This week...

Tuesday - Sausage sizzle
- Chicken sausages only
- $2
- Bring your order form with you
- Still bring a snack for break 1 in your lunchbox.  The sausages are only for break 2.

Thursday - Junior Athletics Afternoon
- Begins 1.20
- All families are welcome to come and support your child
- If the weather is bad it will be postponed