Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas Show 2015

WOW! What a fantastic Christmas show.
We looked, danced and sounded AMAZING! Well done Room 2.
I feel very proud of you!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Week 9: Christmas Show

On Friday 11th December it is our Xmas show.  We invite all our families/ caregivers to come and watch us in action.  We have been practising very hard.

Where:  School Hall
Time: 10.30 am start
Wear: Xmas coloured clothes on show day (red, green, white).  Santa hat (start bringing these along now)

We look forward to seeing you there.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Christmas Songs...

We will be singing these songs at our Christmas show.  Have a practise at home.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Happy Diwali!

PCS celebrated Diwali.  We had a lovely day some of us wore our special Diwali clothes.  We are very cute!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Our xmas song

We are working hard to prepare for the xmas show with our friends from Room 1.  Please practise our song and teach your families too.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Trip - Motat

We are going to Motat as part of our Transport & Toys study.
We are very lucky that we always have a great turn out for parental support on our trips.  Unfortunately we cannot take everybody.  We already have enough parents to support us during this trip.  Thank you to all who have offered.

When: Friday 4th September
Where: Motat
Cost: $12 per child

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Maths Maths Maths

We have been learning about how to use positional language and follow instructions.
Check us out following some instructions to create a picture.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Book Parade

On Friday it was our Book Parade - we had to dress up as our favourite book character.

Can you guess who we are?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Book Week

Hi all,

This week is book week.  There will be fun activities for all students to do during break times this week.  On Friday there will be a book character parade.  All students can come dressed as their favourite book character.  If your child chooses not to then they must come in their school uniform.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


The year 6 students will be running Camp stalls during term 3.  Every second Tuesday.  All children are welcome to bring some money along to spend.  There will be lots of activities such as face painting, wet the teacher, food stalls, lucky dip and much much more.

Keep these dates in your diary.

Tuesday the...
- 11th August 2015
- 25th August 2015
- 8th September 2015

Monday, July 20, 2015

Large Ball Skills...

Today was a lovely afternoon so we went outside and practised some of our skills.
We learned how to pass a chest pass, over head pass, bounce pass and roll the ball to our buddies.
Check us out!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

School Holidays...

You have all been working so hard you can have a 2 week break!

Remember to keep practising your learning because practise makes perfect.

Some ideas:
- Go to the library and read some exciting books
- Read the books in your book bag over and over again
- Count forwards to 100 and backwards from 20
- Write a story about an activity you have done

Most of all keep safe and enjoy your break,
I look forward to seeing you all next term.
Miss Best.

Monday, June 29, 2015

3 Way conferences

This Thursday school will finish at 12.40pm due to 3 way conferences.

Please make sure you book and interview with me.  I would love to chat with you about your child's learning progress and areas for development.  You can book this at the school office or use the details provided in the school newsletter.

I look forward to seeing you there and your child too.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Mufti Day

This Friday is mufti day.  It is a gold coin donation.  All money goes towards supporting our Year 6 students with their fundraising towards their school camp.

You can wear whatever you wish - Remember it is cold so rug up.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Friday Maths

On Friday 12th June we learned how to do a Tally Chart.
We asked the children in our class which was their favourite colour.  It was very fun.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Week 6 assembly...

Yes it is our wonderful assembly on Monday 25th May we can't wait to share with you.
We have been practising very hard!

When: Monday 25th May
Where: School Hall
Time: 1.15pm

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ambury Farm...

Wow - we had a wonderful visit to Ambury Farm on Thursday 14th May.  We got to learn a lot about animals. Plus feed them for some of us this was a new experience.  We think we might like to be farmers one day.

The sheep are getting their wool shorn.

What a hungry horse.

The Hens were very hungry.

You are kind to the animals Olevia.

Great feeding of the goat!

Sheral can see her favourite animal - The sheep!

We are tooooooo CUTE!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

This week is our Ambury Farm trip

As part of our animals study we are going to visit Ambury Farm
When: Thursday 14th May
Who: Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 6
We will need to make sure we...

- Wear sensible sneakers (we cannot wear sandals)
- Wear our school uniform
- Take a packed lunch
- Take a bottle of water
- Pack a raincoat just incase

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sports fun day!

Today was a great day!
The year 6 students organised a sports fun day to help raise funds for their year 6 camp.

We had a blast.

We had to hide under the parachute

We had to bounce the ball around the cone - it was tricky!

Oh no! - these kids are the taggers please don't catch me!

"Hi!" From Room 2.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Practise counting backwards from 20

This is one of our favourite songs to sing at maths time.  It helps us count backwards from 20.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Today we had a special ANZAC day assembly to remember the soldiers who fought 100 years ago in the war.

We made poppies to wear.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


It is the end of busy term 1.  We have been working hard in Room 2 and I would like it to continue.
So please take the time to practise your learning at home over the 2 week break

Some ideas:

- Write a story about something special you did (sound out the tricky words)
- You have some work in your book bags for you to do too (read your books, do your pink notebook)
- Maths: count while you are walking, in the car, at the supermarket
- Visit the public library (it is a free and fun day out)

Most of all enjoy your break Room 2! Keep safe listen to your families.  I look forward to seeing you after the holidays.

Check out what happened in Room 2 we had a visit from Easter bunnies helpers.  They left us a card from Easter bunny too.

Our Easter surprise!

Check out our card from Easter Bunny!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

We were Awesome!

Wow the big show has been and gone.  Look at us in action.
Who would have thought little 5 year olds could learn so much in 8 weeks - We are Clever Cookies!

Elizabeth is doing her Pepeha!

Well done Rishab!

We are too CUTE!