Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Our 100 day party!

We have been counting the days we have been at school. When we got to 100 we decided to have a 100 day party!
We started by counting to 100 and placing 100 objects on our tables. We followed this up by making a special 100 day crown and then had a picnic of yummy fruit.

Elections in Room 2

We have been learning about The New Zealand elections.

We learned about the beehive and Parliament.

We have been noticing all the signs in our neighbourhood.

We decided to hold our own election in Room 2.
We voted and chose 7 people to be our 'Members of Parliament' or decision makers.

Our decision makers decided we would go on the scooters in the afternoon. 
The following week we chose 7 new 'Members of Parliament'. Here we are giving our decision makers or MP's some ideas about what we can do.
The 'MP's' chose i-pads in the afternoon. I wonder what it will be next week?

Fireman visit

The firemen came to visit the school with their truck. It was awesome!

Making music

We have been making music in Room 2. We have been learning about keeping the beat and now we tried out the xylophones. We are playing "Hot Cross Buns".

We also wrote our own song called Milk Bottle

Milk Bottle
Milk Bottle
The milk is healthy
Yummy, Yummy in our tummy
Yummy, Yummy in our tummy
Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla!